IoT Security all in one platform

We make IoT security fast easy accessible

We make IoT security .

Bunkai makes IoT Security with its Plug and Test approach.
Subscribe, connect your devices, upload firmware and browse the results

Screenshot of the Bunkai dashboad

Streamline your security testing efforts

Our online platform enables you to perform (semi-) automatic testing of your IoT devices

Inspect 5G traffic

By using our Global IoT SIM cards you can inspect and test 5G, 4G, LTE-M, NB-IoT, 3G, 2G traffic in +195 countries and +650 networks.

Automate. Integrate. Streamline.

Organizations can boost cybersecurity by integrating security testing within functional testing processes. Integrate seamlessly into internal workflows and build pipelines by using the APIs. This proactive approach supports a resilient and secure operational framework, meeting modern security demands.

Create an Account

Quickly invite co-workers into groups and roles

Setup devices

Configure the device under test (DUT) to use the conectivity: celular, for VPN for Wi-Fi or wired

Start Testing

Configure the project and test scope. 

Off you go!

Key Features

Optimze your testing and compliance flow with Bunkai’s features

All-in-One Testing Suite

Network traffic, firmware, and Mobile App (coming soon) analysis

Easy to use

Tests can be performed by a functional user no need for a security expert

Compliance and Reporting

Results are mapped to multiple standards like: ESTI, OWASP, CTIA, IoXT, CRA, etc

Global Accessibility

Perform tests at any moment from anywhere in the world


Built by security experts

Results fast!

Security tests measured in hours not in weeks

Global coverage

This includes the conectivity (Global IoT SIM cards, Wi-Fi, ethernet), tests and compliance regimes.

650+ Networks

For continuous IoT connectivity, wherever you choose to run your tests from.

195+ Countries

Offering multiple local networks for the best coverage

All Standards

5G, 4G, LTE-M, NB-IoT, 3G, 2G